The flower bunch meets from 10am until 12 noon on the first Saturday of each month. It’s open to all who’d like to have a go at flower arranging. It’s members of this group that create the flower arrangements for church services and events. They’re happy to share their knowledge and experience of creating such stunning displays, and equally happy just to let you have a go yourself.
Moira, who’s a key part of the Flower Bunch and the church flower displays, said, “The Flower Bunch group started meeting again in September 2022 once a month in the church hall on a Saturday morning to enjoy flower arranging, a cup of tea/coffee, a fine piece and a good blether!
“It has been great being together again after about 18 months of undertaking a monthly flower arranging challenge at home on our own. We communicated by email and after each challenge, an e-mail was shared with the group with photos of everyone’s arrangement. It was fun trying to guess who did which arrangement! It wasn’t as good as meeting together but it kept us in touch and kept our imaginations working! Technology can be a useful tool!“
If you think you would like to give flower arranging a go, do get in touch by email to and we’ll let you know all the details. We do it purely for fun and friendship and a love of flowers!