Here you’ll find updates on the progress of preparing for the union – a church term that simply means a merger – of High Hilton and Woodside churches.
What went before?
Folk may remember that in April 2021, after a lot of work and during coronavirus lockdown, High Church Hilton and Middlefield Parish Church merged – came together in a union – to form High Hilton Parish Church. At that time Middlefield’s church was closed and the two congregations came together in the church and halls on Hilton Drive.
What’s next?
The next part of the Presbytery Plan is to see High Hilton and Woodside congregations come together to form a new church and new congregation to serve the communities of Hilton, Middlefield and Woodside with the name of Aberdeen Hillside Parish Church.
Information on this page gets older the further down you scroll.
Tuesday 7th February 2023 – Presbytery of the North East and Northern Isles
The Presbytery agreed that the union should proceed. The date for the union is to be the later of either Sunday 9th April 2023, which is Easter Sunday, and always a special time in the church year; or when the the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) ratifies the joining together of the charity registrations of the two churches.
Sunday 29th January 2023 – Vote results
High Hilton and Woodside congregations met after the morning service to consider the ‘Basis of Union‘ document. The voting was:
High Hilton: 43 votes for, 7 against accepting the Basis of Union
Woodside: 27 votes for, 5 against accepting the Basis of Union
The results are to be put to the next meeting of the Presbytery of the North East and Northern Isles.
Sunday 29th January 2023 – Congregational Vote
There is an announcement of a congregational meeting required to be read in church on the two Sundays before the meeting takes place. The announcement is shown below. The congregational meeting is to consider and vote on the ‘Basis of Union’, also shown below, which sets out the terms of the merger of the two congregations. It is a fairly standard document in church terms and, in summary, the main points are:
- The name of the new congregation will be “Aberdeen: Hillside Parish Church of Scotland” and likely more readily known as “Aberdeen Hillside Parish Church”.
- The sanctuary and halls of High Hilton at Hilton Drive will be retained and used by the new church.
- The sanctuary and halls of Woodside at Church Street will close when the union takes place.
The congregational meeting follows the regular worship service on Sunday 29th January 2023. All members of the congregation are welcome to attend and cast their vote on the plans for union. If accepted by both congregations, the expected date for the union to be formalised will be Easter Sunday, 9th April 2023.
Woodside Parish Church is going through this same process at the same time.
The Kirk Sessions of both churches are in favour of progressing the union.
Below: Notice of the Congregational Meeting

Below, “Basis of Union” document setting out the terms of the union of the two churches.